Friday, October 4, 2019

My future job

Hello everybody!

Today I will write about a topic that today causes me a sensation of uncertainty, an uncertainty that is fast approaching, almost running, asking me: What you will do? the time is ending.

Well, without dramatism the topic of today is my future job.

Actually, I am ending my career and I don't know if my choose was right, but I know that not everything is lost. For example, in the last time, I have discovered some new interests and the career that I study (Sociology) have a big work field that is possible mixture with a lot of topics.

One of those interests that I have discovered is the observation and knowledge of birds and other animals. so actually, I think I would like to find a job like a sociologist where I could think about this topic or near topics. For this reason, I think a job like this is possible to find in an NGO that be focused on environmental topics. And I hope this topic will being of my interest for a long time.

Another thing that I like about this job is I believe that it needs to be outdoor, not all the time, but at some moment I think must go out and have contact with nature and I would like that I can travel a lot in this job.

About the salary, I don' t hope that be high because I think the NGO doesn't have a lot of money, but I don't need big aspirations, I don't want to compete for this.   

Thank you for reading.


Friday, September 27, 2019

My favorite band

Hello Everyone!

In this publication, like you can see in the title, I will talk about my favorite band.

Well, really in this moment I don't have a favorite band or I would have to think for a time, but I don't have all the life to do that, so I will talk about The Beatles.

I choose The Beatles though now I rarely listen them, but is the band that I had like favorite more time than any other.

The Beatles was my favorite band since I was 14 years old and I would say I only listen to them for some years, maybe until I went to the university.

Before I listen Hip hop so this was a big change and I would say this change open the door for know a lot of other bands and types of music.

One of the think that I like to The Beatles is them explored various styles of music for these reason I say that them open to me a lot of doors.

Every albums of the Beatles are great, especially since Revolver but my favorite album of The Beatles is the White album and is because all the songs are very different, in this album you can find the style of music that you search.

I can see them in a concert, they separated and someone are dead.            

Friday, September 13, 2019


Hello everyone! In this post I will write about pets.

My first important pet that I remember is my rabbit. I say first important pet because is possible that I have had a pet before, but they were birds and there are people that say if the pet is not a mammal is not a pet.

Well, I met my rabbit when I was 4 or 5 years old and he have less than a year. He was white, with delineated eyes and his ears were not very long. Like the majoritie of the rabbits his name were "Copito", but the name was given by my uncle, previous owner.

After than his death my family have other little pets, like hamsters or birds, but anyone was so important as Copito.

That was the case until Calafate arrives. I always wanted a dog but Calafate was the first and arrives when I was 19 years old.

Finally, I want to say the birds I don´t like as a pet, because like pets they can´t fly, so they always should be free.
This dog looks like mine.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The best concert I've ever been to

Hello, everybody.

Today I will talk about my experience in a concert that can be called my favorite concert, or my first concert, or my last concert or whatever.

This happened, if I'm not mistaken, in 2016 and was the launch of the disc Amiga of Alex Anwandter, his third disc in his single career.

I went with a very good friend and he was who invited me, but I didn't have money in those days and I didn't have the intention of went, but he convenced me and pay my ticket (then I returned the money).

So he was talking with me about Alex Anwandter and the concert and of the happy that he was. Then, come the day and in the morning he said me: I am feeling bad, I don't know if I want to go.

I knew he was in a bad moment, but he was who insisted in that we had to going. fortunately I could convenced to him and finally we went and was very cool and a great memory.

Friday, August 23, 2019

I wold like to visit Mexico.

Hello, in this publication I'm going to tell you about a country that I would like to know.

I think Mexico is very interesting for a lot of things, for example, its culture or the cultures that there live together actually and in the past, its architecture, its history, etc.

This country is interesting for me because is very complex but have the same idiom, so the communication is more easy.  

I would like to visit Chichén Itzá, archaeological place with ruins of a Maya city and a big pyramid.

I would like to go to Mexico in some celebration or carnival like the day of the dead or other. in this famous celebration they show expresions of his culture and this religion beliefs. 

I would like to know this country but I wouldn't like to live there or only for little time, because I don't like to live in other country, only for these reason, but this probably change in some moment of the life.

I hope one day I can know this country.