Friday, May 13, 2016

The Hobbies

   In the life of the person usually exist activities that allow for have fun, when this activities are practice frequently and for a long time this are called hobbies. These activities can be dance, draw, play some musical instrument, sing, and a lot of others.

   But in my case I don’t have a hobby, or not for a long time, because I always finish leave my hobbies.

   For example, when I was a child, since 9 years old until 13 years old, I play basketball, I practice 3 time in the week and in Sunday I play a match. This was the hobby that I practice for more time. But one day I tired and I bore and left the basketball.

   Later I have tried of have a hobby, for example, in this holyday I tried to learn to draw and paint, I think I was going in right way (I don’t draw good, but I have fun), but when begin the class I had to left my short hobby, but I pretend resume each time that I can (in each holyday, in each strike, etc.).

   This was my sad and boring story  :) , good bye.          

Friday, May 6, 2016

   Hello, in this little article I will talk about my preparation and the experience of presenting in English, because today I recently had to do a presentation, so I arrive defeated to write.
   Well, my preparation I describe insufficient, I believe that was notorious in my presentation, but I think i barely pass.
   I take advantage of my subject of sociological theory, because I use a text that we had to read, this text was the contribution to the critique of the political economy of Karl Marx.
   In the moment of the presentation I was very nervous, so my presentation suffers the consequences.        

   This was my story :), good bye.